Monday, June 16, 2008


Sunday I was at home, and watched 4-5 hours of the first season of America's Best Dance Crew (which apparently is endorsed by American Idol's Randy Jackson, although he never graces the show with his presence...). You would think, with my pessimistic attitude towards pop culture, that I would see right through yet another lame attempt at bringing 'thug lyfe' to the television (anyone remember "Yo Mama"?), but no. I was not so adept at spotting the commercialist propaganda of over-hyped Compton street life, and lo and behold, here I was, addicted to a 30-minute show that reminded me of Step Up 2 with better acting.

Needless to say, after watching some 8 or 9 episodes, I am overly pumped about ABDC 2, which I should punish myself for saying, since it's not The Office, and now have something else to look forward to in the coming weeks (or days?).

Youtube jabbawockeez (preferably) or kaba modern for some sickkk dances.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Farmers Fight!

I just ordered my freaking Fightin' Texas Aggie Ring, and I'm stinkin' excited about it! I was schoolgirl-ishly nervous while I was waiting in the anteroom, but leaving there I felt like a million bucks (although 822 poorer than when I stepped in, which is to say at the beginning of the day, I was a rather valuable young fellow). So yeah, I now have a countdown calendar to September 19th, when I will puke my guts out in front of all my adoring followers. Goal for the next couple of months: decide what to dunk my ring in.

In other, more serious, news, I was reading the blog of one of my most adored people in the world - Matt Thiessen (lead singer, etc./brains behind Relient K), earlier this afternoon. In his blog there was an "interview" between him and one of his fans in Morocco (aka this guy sent him a cool myspace message that was all questions, and he answered it, and put the responded message on his blog), and I found myself at a crossroads of thought. In a synopsis, the message came off as witty (it's matt thiessen, i mean come on), thoughtful, and a bit sassy, as if he were trying to be funny and it came off condescending (i.e. one of the questions was about his favorite superhero and he answered "John the Baptist". Funny, but it almost sounded like "I don't read comic books - they are the devil's work. Now read Mark 12-15."). Anyway, I realize that my entire being, my core structure should not rely on how funny and approachable and relatable of a person Matt Thiessen is, especially in a blog setting (since he seemed awkward enough to be human the time that we saw him after a show), however, this is big for me to say of one of my "heroes": I felt like I disagreed with him on more than one occasion, or at least wasn't like "Wow that was the absolute perfect thing to say!", which is how I normally am. One of those things that I treat a hero like a god, which there is and should be a fine distinction between the two. Since I feel like the entire last paragraph is one big run-on sentence, I am going to press enter. Twice.

Much better. I'm going home today - so excited. This week has been a tough one, which was to be expected going into it, but needless to say I'm going to enjoy my stay at home, away from things. My mom told me that Micaela is a natural in her summer school speech class, where I fought down butterflies everyday whenever I had to stand up in front of 25 strangers and talk for at most 3 1/2 minutes (which, I must say, is better than standing up in front of 25 of your friends, which is in turn infinitely times greater than standing up in front of 25 people who you look up to or who are cooler than you). So she's a natural, which doesn't surprise me, and she apparently loves it. So hopefully I'll be hearing funny stories about nervous teens the whole weekend to get my mind off of EBSCO invoices and Dr. Beason rambling about how the world is actually cooling down (which is exactly what "the commies" don't want you to know). I wonder if he knows the Cold War has been over. Or that it ever started. This is long enough.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain."

I've been thinking about adding a post here, and just haven't, so now that there are approximately 9 minutes until I check out of work 5 minutes early, and I have nothing else to do (nor have I for 1 1/2 hours), I'll dedicate my energies to this.

As I've been recollecting on my life right now (which is never a good thing, because you're much too close to the situation, better to wait a year or two before making any judgments), I've found that I am unhappy. Not altogether unhappy, not desperate, nor grumpy, just not happy with me. Which is a problem. Because while I can't change how other people treat me, or feel about me, or act while they're around me, I can change me. And that's it. Me - how I treat others, feel about others, and act around others, as well as all of those actions in regards to myself (which is a bigger part of my life than I would like most to know). So when something is going wrong, or maybe not wrong, but just differently than what I would have a perfect situation look like, I can't be angry at anyone else, because I can't control them, I can't change them. All I can change in a situation is myself, and how I react to said situation. So if I find myself unhappy (as I have), what can I do to remedy this?

I don't think that trying to answer that question will actually answer anything, so I'm just going to ask it, then revisit it later, and make fun of myself for answering it wrong.

Ah! As much as I hate being cliche', I'm going to say something true, and it will mean something to me, and that's enough to merit writing it on here: If you tell yourself something to be true, sooner or later, you start to believe yourself. So, in a sense, changing this lifestyle, and changing my self, is, at least in part, a matter of telling myself that something is so.

And now I am a big, fluffy ball of cliche'.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Thank you peer pressure

I think that about sums this up. Once again, just like xanga, myspace, sconex (wow what a flop), and facebook, I have allocated more area of the internet to an "About Me" about me, and more senseless ramblings will be documented here which I will undoubtedly regret in retrospect.

That said, I'm bored at home and should be doing my homework, which means a great time to check something else off my 'Never Do' list. Since it's 10:19, way past my Katy bed time where midnight is late, I'll probably go to bed after this, and wake up at 11, in time to go to an Astros game. I love being home.